Rock Solid Academy with Jade Mallicoat

No-BS coaching because you deserve to build the business and life of your dreams!

When I first started my Virtual Assistant biz, I was in SERIOUS need of guidance and direction!

There was SO much noise in the online space about how to build a Virtual Assistant business that it became confusing and ultimately ineffective.

I spent almost a YEAR in business working my ass off but barely making enough to get by.

Which is why my coaching is a no-BS approach to help you cut out the noise and focus on what you need to build the business and life of your dreams.

The 3 Ways to Work with Me

Rock Solid Academy

The program that started it ALL, for the woman doing it ALL.

RSA is my No-BS approach to help you simplify getting your Virtual Assistant business off the ground (and I’m talking ACTUALLY getting it off the ground… Making consistent $3-5k months, rather than scrambling for small payments here and there!).

I see you. You’re doing it ALL.

  • Running the side hustle
  • Working your 9-5
  • Living momlife
  • Working your ass off for your dream life
  • And trying to balance everything in between

And it’s A LOT. So first off, know that you’re a complete badass.

But now it’s time to embrace all that you deserve - it’s time to build the business and life of your dreams!

It’s time to say enough is enough when it comes to feeling burnt out and unfulfilled. You’re ready to take the leap, and you know that NOW is the time to do so.

In RSA, you’ll work 1:1 with myself and my co-coaches as we help you make consistent $3-5k income in just 12 weeks. We cut out all the BS and help you focus on exactly what you need for your unique business goals.

Let's Do This!

“When I first started my business, I spent MONTHS trying to find clients and build my business on my own. I struggled to find clients, and honestly almost gave up. That’s when I met Jade and invested in her RSA program and it was honestly the best decision I have made in my business! Within less than 2 months I went from making $0/month to making enough income to provide for my family!” - Alyssa Tuck

“Before I started working with Jade, I was so confused about what I wanted to do and was really in need of clarity. And that is absolutely what I got immediately when we started working together. Jade helped me figure out what I wanted to do, she helped me learn how to manage my time, and in the space of three months I was able to start working with beta clients for my own program!” - Laura Nsang

“Since going through RSA, I have become a booked out spiritual Virtual Assistant, feel confident in all areas of my business, know how to get clients I love, and have a solid content strategy for my Instagram!” - Erin Beavers

Still not sure if you’re ready to make the leap and join RSA? 


Scale to Summit

Do you ever feel like you’ve peaked in your Virtual Assistant business?

You’re making consistent income, enjoying most of the work you do, but it still feels like there is something missing.

You’re ready for MORE out of your biz, but you’re unsure of what that looks like.

Which is why I created Scale to Summit - for the ambitious online business owner (aka YOU) who is ready to take things to the next level!

Still not sure if this program is for you? Let me know if this sounds familiar…


  • Scale to consistent $10k+ months
  • Pivot in your Virtual Assistant business, but don’t know how to do so successfully
  • Work with more high-ticket clients
  • Refine your offers, rather than doing any and all work that comes your way
  • Say NO to clients that don’t feel right (because you’re no longer “just doing it for the money”)
  • Level up your business to new heights, but feeling unsure of HOW to do this

This level of success does NOT have to feel like an elusive, far-off dream.

You CAN scale to new heights in your business, build a business you love, and live the life of your dreams… and my Scale to Summit Mastermind is the next step in getting you there.

I'm Ready to SCALE!

“Jade gave me so much direction in every aspect of my business that I was unable to get anywhere else! I highly recommend Jade to anyone that is ready to take their business to the next level!” - Erin Beavers

Nail Your Niche

Just starting your Virtual Assistant biz and needing a little help with the basics?

I’ve got you covered!

Nail Your Niche is my self-paced program for the new Virtual Assistant ready to learn the basics to get your dream business off the ground.

In this self-paced course you will learn about:

  • All things content creation for effective online marketing
  • Market research - what it is and why it’s so important in your online business
  • Your specific niche - how to decide and refine yours

Ready to hit the ground running for your Virtual Assistant business?

YES! Let's Go!

“Jade’s services are extremely helpful for the busy entrepreneur who has a full schedule!” - Kindle